It's nice to see that house, field, and trees in the background along with the words of someone we haven't heard from in a while. Glad to see you alive and kicking. Hope, wish, and pray the best for you.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
JoinedPosts by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
I'm Happy to be Back
by snowbird ini've been in the vale of deep shadows, but am feeling more and more like myself.. i'm grateful to my doctors and modern medicine.. sylvia.
For me, it was when they kicked out Ray Franz and Ed Dunlap
by oppostate infor me, it was when they kicked out ray franz and ed dunlap.. .
i knew about the reform movement they started through ed's brother - and stupidly believed it could work.. .
the clouds were truly parted and i could see it for what it was when they were ejected for nothing but trying to ask for biblical reform.. .
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
I am working on it. You all have to remember that this was almost 40 years ago, so I wanted to make notes and get it as right as I can - for the record.
Classic socialpathic faces and demeanors prior to doing what they do best.-from television/film.
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! injust finished watching goodfellas for the six hundered and sixty sixth time, and i realized that despite there not being a gay bone in my entire body, deniro's face when making the silent decision to whack morrie, is one of the most attractive things i've seen in a man in a long time.
it got me to thinking about other socialpaths in film who carried themselves in a manner that was so cold, yet so drawing to the viewer.
can you relate?.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Sheesh Jonesy, your mother sounds like a Sadist or something. Wow. My mother has some severe control freak issues that only a 2nd generation born in pioneer in her late 60's could have.
PS, I realize I spelled Sociopath incorrectly for the Spelling Goebbels here at JWN.
Classic socialpathic faces and demeanors prior to doing what they do best.-from television/film.
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! injust finished watching goodfellas for the six hundered and sixty sixth time, and i realized that despite there not being a gay bone in my entire body, deniro's face when making the silent decision to whack morrie, is one of the most attractive things i've seen in a man in a long time.
it got me to thinking about other socialpaths in film who carried themselves in a manner that was so cold, yet so drawing to the viewer.
can you relate?.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Just finished watching Goodfellas for the six hundered and sixty sixth time, and I realized that despite there not being a gay bone in my entire body, Deniro's face when making the silent decision to whack Morrie, is one of the most attractive things I've seen in a man in a long time. It got me to thinking about other socialpaths in film who carried themselves in a manner that was so cold, yet so drawing to the viewer. Can you relate?
Deniro's scene I referenced.......
Look at that face!!!! You knew Morrie was gonna catch a bad one at that point!! You knew it was gonna be a wrap!!!!! Elderelite told me he makes that face at the KH right before he decides to pull a wayward publisher into the library, but you didn't hear that from me.
MArlo Stanfield's tee shirt which says, Royal Addiction, says it all. He wasn't made to play the son.
Hello Carson, , let's go to your room.
Opinions on keeping your identity secret
by rebel8 insome ex-jws feel strongly we should all be "out of the closet" so we can present real faces to the public on the issue of cult dangers.
to those folks i say, more power to you, all the best.. for my own life i have a different approach.. compartmentalizing is healthy for me.
it keeps my past in the past.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
Can't speak for everybody else, but I've got my own reasons, Even if not for family, and even if I was well beyond this religion's clutches, I still wouldn't put my face or name on the web. The JW part of my life is just that, a PART of my life, so I don't feel I would ever owe it to anyone to feature that prominently under any circumstances.
Also, I have a totally different life now, a life that would be jeopardized by revealing my identity. People to think of me as the "girl with the f-ed up childhood, she will never be normal". I have a high profile job and loss of credibility or pity would interfere with my effectiveness. My career is very important to me--it's an apt symbol of me overcoming the great obstacle that jwism was.
I respect this, particulary the pity aspect of it. Somone living in Mogadishu is worthy pitying, and I'm sure many of them are prideful enough to grit an bear it without expecting a pity party from anyone. If they can live life under unfavorable circumstances with the rest of the world not giving a damn, I can do the same a JW who doesn't entirely buy the WT's shenanigans.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
LOL, llammacool!!! LOL!!!!!! she definately has that suppressed rage thing going on. On another note, I bet she was fine back in the day.
What happens when you play country music backwards?
by usualusername inyou get ya wife back.
ya car back.
ya job back.
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
LOL, this thread is hilarious!!!!!!
Bitch slashed the tires and cut the upholstery before I tried to make my break.
Bullet holes in the tailgate.
Or, maybe in the sides of the bed if she was a fast draw.
frontwards, backwards, whatever yuch
The best is on a summer night and someone has their windows down blasting it with a 12 inch subwoofer!!!! If if weren't for the fact that Country music listeners are more than likely to be legalized 2nd ammendment supporters, I'd probably tell them to turn that shit down.
Praises are necessary!!!!!!!!!!
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! inmy gift to you all, the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, and as a benevolent bonus, the circuit overseer arrangement, including their wives!!!!!
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
His theme song "darkness" is an awesome instrumental.
REALLY?!?!?!? I'm gonna have to check that out!!!! We've got some bullcrap going on in our Circuit dealing with the CO amongst some other things and I have to say, never in my life have I EVER felt so disillusioned with being a Jehovah's Witness and all these stupid arrangements. I finallly understand what Ray Franz meant when he criticized legalism. We overanalyze, overcritique, or like my father always told me when I was younger, some people overdo, underdo, or won't do at all, and that's a fair summation of the leadership in this organization.
P.S., you didn't hear this from me, but from what I understand, there is gonna be an initiative to check out whether or not the toilet paper you use at home has pagan origins or not and whether or not your qualifications should be reviewed as a result of how long you've been using the Charmin Ultra Soft.
Praises are necessary!!!!!!!!!!
by La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!! inmy gift to you all, the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, and as a benevolent bonus, the circuit overseer arrangement, including their wives!!!!!
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
My gift to you all, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and as a benevolent bonus, the Circuit Overseer arrangement, including their wives!!!!!!
La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
This picture deserves captions as I can only imagine what was going through Mrs.Lett's mind during this photo!!! Whatever it was, if looks could kill, somebody would have at least had a stroke.